Friday, September 10, 2004

Joke of The Day

A senior woman is on a cruise ship and wanders up to the bar and
asks for a scotch with two drops of water. As the bartender gives
her the drink she says, "I'm on the cruise to celebrate my 80th
birthday and it's today."

The bartender says "Well, since it's your birthday, I'll buy you
a drink. In fact, this one is on me."

As the woman finishes her drink, the woman to her right says,
"I would like to buy you a drink, too." The old woman says,
"Thank you. Bartender, another scotch with two drops of water.

"Coming up," says the bartender.

As she finishes her drink, the man to her left says, "I would like
to buy you one, too." The old women says, "Thank you. Bartender,
please, another scotch with two drops of water."

"Comin' right up," the bartender says. As he gives her the drink
he says, "Ma'am, I'm dying of curiosity. Why the Scotch with only
two drops of water?"

The old woman replies, "Sonny, when you're my age, you learn how to
hold your liquor. Water, however, is a whole other issue."

:c )

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Thursday, September 09, 2004

Joke of The Day

Strangers on a Train

A scientist gets on a train to go to New York. His cabin also has a poor
farmer in it. To pass the time the scientist decides to play a game with the

"I will ask you a question and if you get it wrong, you have to pay me 1
dollar. Then you ask me a question, and if I get it wrong, you get 10
dollars. You ask me a question first." The farmer thinks for a while.

"I know. What has three legs, takes 10 hours to climb up a palm tree, and 10
seconds to get back down?"

The scientist is confused and thinks long and hard about the question.
Finally, the train ride is coming to an end. As it pulls into the station,
the scientist takes out 10 dollars and gives it to the farmer.

"I don't know. What has 3 legs, takes 10 hours to get up a palm tree and 10
seconds to get back down?"

The farmer takes the 10 dollars and puts it into his pocket. He then takes
out 1 dollar and hands it to the scientist.

"I don't know."

:c )

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ur name, please send a mail to me at for the

Other Mailing Lists just for you
Joke of The Day - Cool Jokes for you.
Worth Reading - Poems, articles etc.
18++ - Mature Jokes.
Quotation of the Day - Greate quotations.

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Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Joke of The Day

Dear Third Grade Diary

Hi, I'm in third grade but it's not easy, it's a jungle gym out there.

It's not school I mind, it's the principal of the thing.

My teacher is tough. In class we have to answer "Yes Sir" and "No
Sir", and my teacher is a woman.

She's cross-eyed too, can't control her pupils.

In English she told us we couldn't use 2 words, one was cool and the
other was lousy. I said "Cool, tell us the lousy one first".

In science, she asked "what would happen if one of the stars in
Orion's belt went out?" I told her his pants would fall down.

She asked "Why do astronauts wear space suits?" I said "To cover
their space underwear".

In geography she asked us to name 2 cities in Kentucky. I said "O.K.,
I'll name one Waldo and the other Heathcliff".

And I don't like math at all, there's just too many problems.

We eat in the cafeteria. For lunch yesterday we had Roast Beef,
bread and butter. The roast beef was so tough it challenged me to a
fight after school. The bread was so stale I took it to show and tell
in history class. I'd tell you about the butter but I don't want to
spread it around.

They gave us animal crackers for dessert. On the outside of the box
it said "Do not eat if seal is broken". Of course ... (these are
third grade jokes, try to keep up)

After lunch we had a test. I used to hate taking tests. The teacher
told us to treat them as a game. Now I hate games.

I did get a 100 the other day, 50 in math and 50 in spelling.

My teacher is so forgetful she gave us the same test 3 weeks in a
row. If she does that one more time I might pass it.

My teacher knows all the answers! Of course she does -- she makes up
all the questions.

But I do better than my best friend, Mike, he made the P.T.A.'s Most
Wanted list.

Mike's the biggest trouble maker in school. And his parent's never
thought he'd amount to anything!

When I get home from school, it takes me about an hour to do my
homework, 2 hours if my father helps.

I was having trouble in English. My Dad bought me a cheap dictionary
but I couldn't find the words to thank him.

My dad bought me a thesaurus too. I thought that was very nice,
pleasurable, agreeable for him to do so.

I was doing geography homework and I asked him where I would find the
Catskills. He said "I don't know, your mother puts everything away!"

When my father saw my report card, he said I was just like Abraham
Lincoln, I went down in history.

:c )

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Other Mailing Lists just for you
Joke of The Day - Cool Jokes for you.
Worth Reading - Poems, articles etc.
18++ - Mature Jokes.
Quotation of the Day - Greate quotations.

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Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Joke of The Day

Browsing in a pet shop, a man sees a beautiful parrot with a red string
tied to its left leg and a green string tied to its right leg. He asks
the store owner about the strings.

"This is a highly trained creature," the owner explains.
"If you pull the red string, he speaks German; if you pull the
green string, he speaks Spanish."

"What happens if I pull both at once?" the curious man asks.

"I fall off my perch, you fool!" screeches the parrot.

:c )

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ur name, please send a mail to me at for the

Other Mailing Lists just for you
Joke of The Day - Cool Jokes for you.
Worth Reading - Poems, articles etc.
18++ - Mature Jokes.
Quotation of the Day - Greate quotations.

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