Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Joke of The Day

Three-Legged Race

One day a traveling salesman was driving down a back country road at about
30 mph when he noticed that there was a three-legged chicken running
alongside his car.
He stepped on the gas but at 50 miles per hour. The chicken was still
keeping up. After about a mile of running the chicken ran up a farm lane and
into a barn behind an old farm house.

The salesman had some time to kill so he turned around and drove up the farm
lane. He knocked at the door and when the farmer answered he told him what
he had just seen.

The farmer said that his son was a geneticist and he had developed this
breed of chicken because the he, his wife and his son each like a drumstick
when they have chicken and this way they only have to kill one chicken.

"That's the most fantastic thing I've ever heard," said the salesman. "How
do they taste?"

"I don't know," said the farmer. "We've never caught one."

:c )

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